A) Code of conduct of Alpha Industrieservice GmbH
The Code of Conduct of Alpha Industrieservice GmbH (Alpha IS) was defined with the aim of establishing principles according to which Alpha IS maintains its relationship with employees and business partners. They apply equally to all employees of Alpha IS, both to all members of the Executive Board and to all employees.
We always strive to ensure that these principles are also implemented by our suppliers, consultants and other business partners.
1. Business principles
1.1. compliance with the law
Alpha IS should comply with the laws applicable there in every country in which it operates. In situations where there are no legal regulations, each of us will base our conduct on our corporate values and corporate culture.
In all cases where there is a conflict between applicable laws and the principles of this Code of Conduct, the applicable law shall prevail.
1.2. Dealing with business partners, fair competition & antitrust law
The business relationships between Alpha IS and its business partners should always be characterized by fairness. We may not offer any rewards or benefits to potential customers, authorities, government agencies, or other representatives of such entities that are contrary to applicable law or morality.
We are committed to complying with applicable antitrust laws. Antitrust law is primarily intended to ensure fair and uniform competition. The aim is to prevent all undue restrictions on competition. There must be no anticompetitive agreements between competitors. This includes agreements on prices, price changes and calculations, as well as agreements between competitors on bidding and offering behavior in tenders.
Our employees must not accept payments, gifts or other compensation from third parties that could result in decisions being influenced by them and not being made with the necessary objectivity.
1.3. Accounting and bookkeeping
All financial transactions of Alpha IS must be documented in accordance with generally applicable accounting principles. All bookings must have a clear, unambiguous and non-misleading description of the content of the transaction. It must always be possible to present all business transactions in a comprehensible manner.
1.4. Compulsory conduct
Employees and members of the Executive Board of Alpha IS are required to organize their private and other activities as well as financial interests in such a way that they do not conflict with the interests of the company or can give rise to conflicts. Should such a conflict arise, the person concerned must immediately report this to their superior.
1.5. money laundering. Combating money laundering
Money laundering is the smuggling of illegally obtained income into a legitimate economic and business process with the aim of concealing the illegal origin of the funds. Money laundering is punishable. The actions of all employees must therefore be aimed at uncovering any suspicious process that could consciously or unconsciously constitute a violation of the Money Laundering Act.
1.6. Disclosure of information
No employee of Alpha IS may, during or after working for the company, without express permission, disclose or otherwise use confidential information received in the course of their work. This policy also applies to confidentiality or confidentiality agreements that govern the handling of confidential information by our business partners.
1.7. Financial Responsibility
Financial responsibility means economic action based on ethical and legal principles. For our company, this means ensuring that employees have good working conditions and that products/services have no effect on the employee's health. In addition, there is a responsibility towards employees and investors to operate sensibly and healthily.
1.8. Export controls & economic sanctions
The applicable laws and regulations in the areas of export and import control
As well as customs, insofar as they are used in our company, must be observed.
1.9. Data protection
We are committed to taking all measures to ensure legal compliance with the GDPR when handling data. Our company has a duty to protect the data of data subjects, such as employees, customers and business partners, and to take special measures to do so.
These measures include:
All devices and resources made available to Alpha IS employees and access to e-mail and the Internet are intended for carrying out business activities. In principle, Internet use should be limited to work-related activities.
However, personal use, such as for private emails, SMS messages and appropriate Internet use, can be allowed. Private use is only allowed if it does not jeopardize the company's business or reputation or could be considered offensive.
Company devices and systems may not be used to gain access to illegal or tasteless content or to create such content yourself. Employees should always be particularly careful when receiving emails that may contain viruses or other hidden threats to IT security or the security of data and information. In addition, it is prohibited to copy or install content or software for which they do not have permission or a valid license. To ensure security and confidentiality, passwords must never be shared with unauthorized third parties. Employees should always log out of their computer before leaving their desk. Confidential information may only be stored on a Group data server for which appropriate access restrictions have been created. Confidential information may only be exchanged via the Alpha IS email system and the company's data network. In case of doubt, contact the Alpha IS IT system administrator immediately.
1.10. Respectful treatment
Alpha IS employees are prohibited from following conduct:
Any discrimination on racial or sexist grounds, beliefs, sexual orientation, age, or physical disability of an employee
sexual harassment, moral violations
Inflicting bodily injuries
insults to another person (verbally or in writing)
Intimidation and/or threats
Sabotage of others' activities
1.11. Intellectual property
Intellectual property rights must be respected and technology and know-how must be transferred in such a way that intellectual property rights and customer information are protected. This also includes the intellectual property of third parties.
1.12. plagiarism
Methods and processes must be developed, introduced and maintained which
Minimize the risk of plagiarism being introduced into deliverable products and services and identify counterfeits at an early stage.
2. Responsibility of managers and employees
The management of Alpha IS is responsible for demonstrating and communicating the content and meaning of these guidelines to its employees. You are required to encourage employees to behave in accordance with these principles. Reports of violations of the rules of conduct set out here can be addressed anonymously and confidentially to management. Persons who report violations in good faith should not expect any disadvantages. Your identity must be preserved and retaliation of any kind must be prevented.
B) Declaration on human rights and working conditionsof Alpha Industrieservice GmbH
The management of Alpha Industrieservice GmbH (Alpha IS) is aware of its social responsibility. Through value-oriented corporate management, employees should be treated fairly and respectfully at all times and thus also strengthen corporate goals. Internationally recognized human rights are respected by Alpha IS. National laws and regulations as well as the principles of the International Labour Organization (ILO) are observed throughout business activities.
1. Principles of Human Rights and Working Conditions
1.1. Free choice of career
Employment at Alpha IS is freely chosen. No one may be forced to take on a specific job or to pursue a profession that they reject. This includes the prohibition of all forced and compulsory labor.
1.2. No discrimination
Equal opportunities and equal treatment, irrespective of ethnic origin, skin color, sex, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, social origin or political attitude, are guaranteed insofar as these are based on democratic principles and tolerance towards dissenters.
Employees are neither favored nor disadvantaged due to membership in a trade union or company employee representative body.
1.3. No child labor
According to ILO Conventions 138 and 182, children must not be hindered in their development. Their dignity must be respected and their safety and health must not be compromised. Alpha IS always complies with requirements regarding the minimum age of employees.
1.4. Forced Labor and Human Trafficking
All work at Alpha IS is done voluntarily. Forced labor, compulsory labor and any form of involuntary work in general are rejected. This results in a clear distancing from these topics. All employees are free to end their employment at any time, taking into account the agreed or statutory notice periods. Furthermore, no acts or measures are tolerated which, within valid legal and social norms, are suitable to restrict the free movement of employees.
1.5. Freedom of association
The right of all employees to form collective workers' representatives and to negotiate collectively to regulate working conditions is recognized. Alpha IS will work together with the respective employee representatives in a spirit of trust. The aim is always to maintain fair and cooperative cooperation in the long term.
1.6. remuneration
Alpha IS's remuneration — regardless of gender difference — complies with the minimum wages guaranteed by law and the minimum standards of the respective economic sectors, based on the corresponding labor market.
1.7. Working hours, recreation and leisure
Alpha IS observes and complies with the applicable regulations and regulations on working hours and regular, paid vacation.
1.8. Occupational health and safety
In Alpha IS, occupational safety and health protection at work are guaranteed at least within the framework of legal regulations. Attention is always paid to health, safety at work and the humane organization of working conditions. An external occupational safety specialist is employed to monitor and provide ongoing advice in these areas and safety officers are trained internally by the professional association.
1.9. Qualification and career opportunities
In Alpha IS, employees are generally selected, hired and promoted on the basis of their function-specific qualifications and skills. Targeted and continuous qualification of all employees is supported in order to enable a high level of performance and high-quality work. All Alpha IS employees have the same career opportunities, taking into account the length of employment and qualification.
2. Principles of implementation
2.1. communications
The objectives and principles of implementation of this declaration are part of Alpha IS's corporate culture. Alpha IS employees, in particular employees with managerial functions, are always required to comply with the established principles and also to encourage other employees to comply with them.
2.2. Regular exchange of experiences
Compliance with the goals and implementation of the principles of this declaration is regularly discussed at our site manager meetings.
C) Company policy for health, safety, occupational safety and environmental protection of Alpha Industrieservice GmbH.
As a service provider, our employees are our most important asset. Healthy and satisfied employees who work for us in a pleasant environment therefore contribute significantly to the satisfaction of our customers and therefore also to our success. Our goal is therefore to always prevent accidents, injuries and work-related health problems and to protect the environment. The following points help us achieve these goals:
1. Business principles
1.1. Economy and ecology
Our actions must be in harmony with economy, ecology and responsibility for our environment and our fellow human beings, not least with regard to future generations. All employees always ensure that their actions are directed in such a way that hazards or unnecessary burdens on the environment are avoided. Applicable laws and regulations must always be complied with. In addition, you must act as reasonably appropriate at all times.
1.2. Health, safety and occupational safety
Health, safety and occupational safety are important components of our company policy. All employees are provided with a safe and healthy working environment, with appropriate facilities and suitable protective equipment. All workplaces are constantly checked for hazards and hazardous substances in order to prevent accidents.
2. Principles of implementation
2.1. communications
Employees are trained on accident prevention regulations, behavior in the event of accidents and emergencies, and the use of protective clothing and equipment. Our employees are offered the opportunity to take part in first aid courses or first aid courses at regular intervals in order to be able to provide victims with the fastest and best possible initial care in the event of an accident.
2.2. Environmental sustainability
All operating activities and processes are assessed in terms of environmental sustainability (recycling, reduction of CO2 emissions, waste management, etc.). From this evaluation, measures and environmentally friendly goals are defined in order to meet legal and other requirements. Energy and raw materials are used as sparingly as possible to avoid unnecessary environmental pollution. The environmental awareness of our employees should always be promoted. Environmental policy is taken into account throughout the value chain and can save the company costs and effort at the same time.
2.3. Responsible sourcing of raw materials
We support activities that ensure responsible procurement of raw materials. The procurement and use of raw materials obtained unlawfully or through ethically objectionable or unacceptable measures must be avoided. The use of raw materials, such as conflict minerals, which are affected by embargoes or other import restrictions, must be excluded.
2.4. Risks and/or vulnerabilities
If potential threats and/or security gaps are identified, appropriate measures must be taken immediately to avoid or reduce as far as possible the resulting risks and threats.
3. Final provision
This declaration shall take effect on the date of signature. Third party claims cannot be derived from this statement.